Tuesday, March 26, 2013

TYSG: Self-Care Playlist Edition

Well hello stranger,

Yes, I'm on a post-writing roll!!

Among the way-too-multitudinous aspirations I have for my little blog are to write more frequent TYSG mini-posts.  Since I've already spent a decent chunk of the evening forcing myself to just write a goddamned post I've been thinking about writing for weeks JUST WRITE IT GAHHH, why not take a few extra minutes to share a pick-me-up song I've been thinking about posting for...



I don't really know what the hold-up has been, because seriously this song is so wonderful.  I discovered Jana Mashonee when she was a guest on one of my favorite NPR shows.  They played this song as the outro to her interview, and holy crap this woman has a voice.

If you are so truly squished for time that you can't even spare the four minutes necessary to listen to this song in its entirety, a) I'm sorry to hear that because that feeling sucks and b) you're in luck, because you can just skip to 3:00 and listen from there and just TRY feeling unhappy.




  1. speaking of playlists, i hope the new hendrix has not escaped your radar

  2. Augh it has!! I foolhardily decided I sucked at tumblr and stopped following your musicshare thingie. What a silly decision. How can I remedy that Paul?

