Wednesday, April 8, 2020

When Movies Get "Under the Skin"

Good evening!

For all the appreciation I have for the lists I have been consulting to guide my recent movie-watching, I am here to report that one of them did me dirty.

Let's talk about "Under the Skin" (2013).

Full disclosure and also spoilers ahoy: I got 29 minutes into this movie before I NOPE'd the hell out of it.  By this still-early stage, the film had already deeply upset and disturbed me.  This is admittedly because I am, of COURSE, particularly sensitive to the portrayal of, I don't know, a baby being abandoned, helpless and crying, on a beach after both its parents drown trying unsuccessfully to save their dog from also drowning in brutal and assuredly frigid surf and that baby is shown not only at the moment at which it dawns on the audience that both its parents have not returned from the waves but also after time has passed and it is now dark and the baby is still crying and helpless and a person walks right by it who could help it but they don't, as the camera lingers on this dark yet cruelly clear image of a distraught and gut-wrenchingly helpless orphaned child. 

Yeah, fuck that movie.

Having now read the Wikipedia summary of the film (which obviously contains even more spoilers), I'm honestly not in the least concerned that I'm somehow missing out on the rest of it and I instead feel further affirmed in my decision.  Some movies just don't need to be in your brain, you know?  Even if they somehow made it to the number two spot for the last decade on a list you thought was your friend.

I gave this movie a 1 and I'm not even remotely sorry.


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