Monday, October 30, 2017

A Halloween Sampler Supplement!

Happy Halloween Eve Dear Friends!

I know I have already given you oodles of frightening features to choose from this spooky season, but why not tack on one more?

I've admittedly gone a bit overboard with the horror movies this year, which has clearly lent itself well to having a whole bunch of movies to talk about in this year's round-up. This has likely been facilitated

a) by my excellent podcast-driven recent rediscovery of my long-standing love of the deeply morbid subject of true crime, and 

b) an even more recent change in my schedule that means I, gratefully and with gusto, do not work on Mondays anymore. 
No more work on Mondays = SO MUCH MORE movie time!

So, without further ado, an additional entry into this year's scary selection:

"I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House" (2016)
Rating: 4 Scary Rating: !!

This is the second of director Osgood Perkins' two total movies.  (I already reviewed his first feature, "The Blackcoat's Daughter" (2015).)  I'm happy to say that many of the traits that led me to enjoy his other movie are present in "Pretty Thing": the story almost exclusively focuses on female characters and their powerful influences on each other and the pacing allows the viewer to slowly stew in the film's creepy, dark mood.  As a nice addition, the cinematography expertly dials up the tension through long, haunting, claustrophobia-inducing takes of the interior of the home that forms the entire setting of the film.  Somewhat reminiscent of films like "The Others" (2001), shots play with light and darkness, plugging into primordial fears of night and the unseen.

A major tradeoff of the film is that, especially by comparison to "The Blackcoat's Daughter," the climax of "Pretty Thing" is pretty lackluster... to the point that I googled other reviews of the film to make sure I hadn't missed something that should have scared me more than I was actually scared.  Incidentally, this blog seems pretty solid, and apparently this writer and I share similar movie-watching styles (minus the dog).
In other news, Husband and I were successful both in completing our annual jack-o'-lantern carving AND in introducing Husband to "Get Out" (2017).  Evidence:

Rod FTW!!


In closing, I hope you have a happy, safe, and fun Halloween tomorrow!


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