Friday, July 31, 2015

TYSG: Freebie Edition

Hi guys,

So I'm just barely sliding under my self-imposed minimum one-post-per-month deadline, and although I have at least one, possibly two ideas for movies I'd like to write about, my brain suddenly, instantly, and utterly without warning atrophied upon my return home.

It's a shame, because a) I'm really excited to write about Amy Schumer's "Trainwreck" (2015) and also possibly "The Babadook" (2014) and b) as I left work today, I was really pleased with myself for having an unusually productive Friday for once.  In postdoc land, Friday is research day, which means I spend it alone in an office with a computer, woefully under-socially-stimulated and resultantly inexcusably under-focused.  Not today!  I finished not one, but TWO (semi-) major tasks today!!  I assumed my expansive sense of accomplishment would carry me on a high tide of motivation through the rest of my evening, fueling abundant, enthusiastic film analysis writing that would flow out of me with ease and abandon.


As soon as I got home, I felt like I'd been either hit with a tranquilizer dart or drugged, or both.  I actually recently opened the window to let fresh air in because I was concerned I was getting carbon monoxide poisoning (from air conditioning window units?  Is that possible?  Or am I confusing that with the recent, terrifying micro-epidemic of Legionnaires' disease?).  I felt so bleh, so foggy-brained, so heavy-limbed.  To my immense chagrin and disappointment, I was and am not mentally where I want to be in order to write something I'll feel proud of, especially about two movies I really enjoyed.

It is precisely in a moment like this, when I'm feeling all sorts of mentally, physically, and emotionally not great, topped with frustration with myself as I have to let go of my hopes for a weekend evening, that I desperately need a little TYSG-style pick-me-up.

Celebrity news (via Husband) to the rescue!!

For those of us who care to remember: I really love Jennifer Lawrence.

I ALSO really love Amy Schumer.

As I was feeling all wonky and beating myself up for feeling all wonky, my genius Husband gave me the following news:





What makes this extra adorable is that Schumer might be as star-struck by and girl-crushy on Jennifer Lawrence as I am (along with all humans who have hearts, brains, and good taste in lady celebrities).  Evidence:

So while I don't have a substantive movie-based post for you and I'm still feeling a little wonky with no real explanation other than sometimes our bodies and brains just don't perform the way we expect them to, I'm still feeling lucky and grateful the universe felt like doing me a little favor today.

Hope you enjoy this treat as much as I do!


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