Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Movie Round-Up!!

Joyeux Nouvel An!

2011 is upon is!  To close what has been a busy and eventful 2010, I present to you the final list of all the movies I've seen in the past year.  I am proud to announce that I am in excess of my 52 movies per year goal by almost TEN WHOLE MOVIES.

Needless to say, I'm pretty excited about that.  Armed with new resolve to continue my standing resolution AND a new membership at the Museum of the Moving Image (an AWESOME Christmas present care of my wonderful aunt and uncle), I'm confident my cinephilic zeal will carry over into 2011.  I'm excited to see what movies the new year has to offer.

Aren't you?

And now: THE LIST

1. Fantastic Mr. Fox (3)
2. Up in the Air (4)
3. Year One (1)
4. Duplicity (1)
5. Bonnie and Clyde (5)
6. 12 Angry Men (4)
7. This Is It (4)
8. Shutter Island (4)
9. Wolfman (1)
10. Alice in Wonderland (1)
11. The Hurt Locker (4.5)
12. Remember Me (0)
13. Bean (3)
14. The King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters (4)
15. Kick-Ass (5)
16. The Tenant (3)
17. Shine (3)
18. Agua Fria de Mar (3.5)
19. Beijing Taxi (3)
20. Dogtooth (3)
21. Twilight: New Moon (1)
22. The Blindside (4)
23. Brothers (4)
24. Extraordinary Measures (1)
25. Surrogates (1)
26. La Vie et la passion de Jésus Christ. 1902. Silent. (3)
27. The Automobile Thieves (incomplete). 1906. Silent. (3)
28. At the Crossroads of Life. 1908. Silent. (4)
29. Old Isaacs, the Pawnbroker. 1908. Silent. (4)
30. The Jacket (2)
31. Obsessed (1)
32. Blindness (4)
33. Please Give (4)
34. Toy Story 3 (5)
35. Orphan (4)
36. Changeling (5)
37. Despicable Me (4)
38. Jindabyne (3.5)
39. The Sorcerer's Apprentice (1)
40. The Kids are All Right (4)
41. Zombieland (4.5)
42. The Devil Wears Prada (2)
43. Eat Pray Love (3)
44. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (4)
45. Enchanted (3)
46. Last Train Home (4)
47. Frozen River (3)
48. Tibet in Song (5)
49. Jaws (3)
50. Catfish (4)
51. The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (3)
52. For Colored Girls (4)
53. Due Date (3)
54. Megamind (3)
55. Single White Female (2)
56. Boys Don't Cry (4)
57. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (3)
58. Tron Legacy (3)
59. The Invention of Lying (3.5)
60. True Grit (4)
61. Black Swan (4.5)

The highlights: Bonnie and Clyde (1967), the Hurt Locker (2008), Toy Story 3 (2010), Changeling (2008), Zombieland (2009), Tibet in Song (2009), and the out-in-theaters-now Black Swan (2010).

The lowlights, which I cringe even now to remember: Year One (2009), Duplicity (2009), Wolfman (2010), Alice in Wonderland (2010), Remember Me (2010), Twilight: New Moon (2009), Extraordinary Measures (2010), Surrogates (2009), Obsessed (2009), and The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010).

Best Movie Seen This Year: Changeling
This is a really tough decision, but this was such a riveting movie, and my impression is that it's under-viewed.  So go see it!

Worst Movie Seen This Year: Remember Me
A very easy decision by comparison.  Good holy God was that a terrible movie.  I'm still angry I didn't ask for my money back, and that's not something I do lightly.

Also, rough year for Robert Pattinson if my ratings are any gauge.

With that, Boyfriend and I have some food shopping to do in preparation for our New Year's Eve celebratory plans.  Have a safe and happy night tonight, and a wonderful New Year!

Onward and upward!


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