Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Primer in My Movie Scoring and Progress This Year

Hey kids.

Before I really get started, it probably makes sense to explain my little movie scoring system.  It goes from one to five.  Here is an approximate interpretation:

1: Oh God why??
2: Sighhhh
3: Not bad
4: Very nice
5: Marvelous!

With this key in mind, here is the list of movies I've seen so far this year:

1. Fantastic Mr. Fox (3)
2. Up in the Air (4)
3. Year One (1)
4. Duplicity (1)
5. Bonnie and Clyde (5)
6. 12 Angry Men (4)
7. This Is It (4)
8. Shutter Island (4)
9. Wolfman (1)
10. Alice in Wonderland (1)
11. The Hurt Locker (4.5)
12. Remember Me (0)
13. Bean (3)
14. The King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters (4)
15. Kick-Ass (5)
16. The Tenant (3)
17. Shine (3)
18. Agua Fria de Mar (3.5)
19. Beijing Taxi (3)
20. Dogtooth (3)
21. Twilight: New Moon (1)
22. The Blindside (4)
23. Brothers (4)
24. Extraordinary Measures (1)
25. Surrogates (1)
26. La Vie et la passion de Jésus Christ. 1902. Silent. (3)
27. The Automobile Thieves (incomplete). 1906. Silent. (3)
28. At the Crossroads of Life. 1908. Silent. (4)
29. Old Isaacs, the Pawnbroker. 1908. Silent. (4)
30. The Jacket (2)
31. Obsessed (1)
32. Blindness (4)
33. Please Give (4)
34. Orphan (4)

Some of these movies were seen under duress (very very long flights; ex: Twilight: New Moon), because my boyfriend (who I love very, very much) hijacked my Netflix cue (ex: Year One), or because I have some admittedly terrible guilty pleasure genres (ex: Wolfman).  Just... know that I didn't eagerly jump into seeing every single one of these.

I'm in the process of working on a legitimate posting, which will hopefully be finalized shortly.

'Till then!


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