Wednesday, September 29, 2021

I Just Can't Turn the Ignition on "Cars"

 Oh hi,

I'm going to challenge myself to write an increasingly rare actually brief movie review.  Starting now!

I watched Pixar's "Cars" (2006), and it was fine.  I was in the mood for something gentle and relatively unchallenging, and this movie definitely delivered.  That said, it didn't do much for me--and we know that I'm fine with making a film analysis mountain out of a cinematic molehill.  

I must acknowledge that this is likely in no small part because this film isn't really for me: I'm not into cars, I'm even less into NASCAR and motor racing in general, and given my life-long pattern of hopping from city to city the plucky-yet-fading small town narrative simply doesn't resonate with me.  I'm therefore in less of a position to criticize "Cars" because I'm not its target market, and a sizable caveat is needed alongside my opinion on this movie.

With that caveat stated, I found the film's arc surprisingly flimsy and predictable.  I typically love Pixar for its thoughtfulness and heart, but "Cars" truly fell flat.  Ultimately, there's just no way around the fact that I found this to be a pretty disappointing and lackluster movie.  I therefore gave it a 2.


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