Sunday, June 26, 2016

Goodbye, Mr. Cunningham


In what's been a very dramatic and often very depressing few weeks, I wanted to ensure this news item didn't miss our attention:

This weekend, Bill Cunningham, the photographer behind the New York Times's recurring "On the Street" fashion photoessay, passed away.

Friends who have been following this blog from early on may remember that I reviewed "Bill Cunningham New York" (2010), the documentary profiling Mr. Cunningham and his remarkable life and work.  (You can check out that original post here.)

Although unfortunately the film isn't currently available to live stream on Netflix (as it thankfully was when I first watched it), it's still available as a DVD rental through the service.  It's also rentable through Amazon and iTunes and may be streamable through Hulu.  If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it.

Thank you for your passion and dedication, Mr. Cunningham.
